
How much Facebook is enough and how much is too much?

July 21, 2011

How often do you check Facebook?  There are people who could go forever without checking in on their friends and then there are those who seem to be on Facebook all the time.  But as a small business who is looking to build a relationship with your fans and capture meaningful “likes”, what is the right mix?   

In this article from USA Today, Emily White the director of Local at Facebook recommends a small business should post 3 times a week.   http://www.usatoday.com/tech/products/2011-05-24-facebook-small-business_n.htm

When you plan what to post, think about your audience as the content needs to be meaningful.  As with all marketing channels, relevency is critical.  As quickly as your customers can “like” you they can also hide your posts or unfriend you if the content isn’t interesting and relevant to them.  Make every post count!

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